17 Top Clothing Dropshipping Suppliers in India for 2024 Success

clothing dropshipping suppliers in india- Printchester

Have you ever experienced the excitement of launching a clothing dropshipping venture? Maybe you’re already deeply involved and seeking trustworthy suppliers. Get ready because we’re here to narrow down your choices. Believe it or not, finding a reliable dropshipping partner is no longer a daunting challenge.

According to research findings, 68% of prosperous dropshipping enterprises credit their achievements to strategic partnerships with suppliers. This underscores the critical role suppliers play in determining the trajectory of your business. In this article, you will discover more about clothing dropshipping suppliers in India and beyond.

What is a Clothing Dropshipping Business?

how dropshipping work

A clothing dropshipping business is a retail model where the business owner sells clothing directly to customers without stocking inventory. Instead of purchasing and storing large quantities of clothing, the business only buys products from a supplier when a sale is made. The supplier then ships the product directly to the customer on behalf of the business.

Qualities of Reliable Clothing Dropshipping Suppliers

Before diving into the supplier selection process, let’s provide you with a checklist of what defines a top-notch clothing dropshipping supplier:

  1. Reliable: Punctual deliveries and consistent service are essential.
  2. Transparent Communication: Clear and frequent updates keep you informed.
  3. Competitive Pricing: Opt for suppliers offering reasonable rates, crucial in the competitive e-commerce landscape.
  4. Membership fee: Are there any subscription costs in addition to dropshipping fees?
  5. Quality: What materials are used? Where are the products manufactured? How easy is it to order samples?
  6. Shipping times: Where are the warehouses located? How quickly does the supplier deliver to customers?
  7. Reviews: Does the supplier have a significant number of positive reviews from other dropshippers?
  8. Return policy: What is the supplier’s return policy? Is it convenient and favorable for your business?
  9. Service and support: How quickly can you receive assistance when needed?
  10. Product range: How many products are available to choose from? How many can you list at any given time?

Top 17 Clothing Dropshipping Suppliers in India

Here are our top recommendations for clothing dropshipping suppliers in India:

Why choose printchester for print on demand India business

Printchester is a versatile platform known for its print-on-demand services, catering to various needs in the ecommerce space. Here’s a breakdown of its features, pros, and cons:

Features of Printchester:

  1. Print-on-Demand Services: Specializes in custom printing of apparel, accessories, and more, allowing businesses to print designs on demand.

2. Wide Product Range: Offers a diverse selection of products including clothing items, accessories, and home decor, suitable for customization.

3. Integration OptionsSupports integration with major ecommerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, facilitating seamless store management.


4. Quality Assurance: Ensures high-quality printing and products, with options for sample orders to assess print and product quality.

5. Global Shipping: Provides worldwide shipping options, enabling businesses to reach a global customer base.


Benefits of Printchester:

  • Customization: Allows businesses to create unique products with custom designs, catering to niche markets and personalized demands.
  • Integration: Seamless integration with popular ecommerce platforms simplifies setup and management of online stores.
  • Quality Control: Focuses on maintaining high standards in printing and product quality, enhancing customer satisfaction.
  • Global Reach: Offers global shipping options, expanding market reach beyond domestic borders.

Overall, Printchester stands out as a reliable choice for businesses looking to offer custom-printed products with global reach, though considerations like cost and shipping logistics should be weighed against its benefits.


2. Meesho


Meesho is renowned for its affordable and stylish clothing, especially focusing on women’s fashion and accessories. With a user base exceeding 100 million, it has a strong presence in rural markets. Meesho offers competitive prices, a wide range of products, and the convenience of Cash-on-Delivery (COD).


  • Diverse product selection.
  • COD payment option available.
  • Strong presence in rural markets.


  • Quality may vary.
  • Limited branding options.
  • Potential supply chain issues.

3. Dropshipzone


Dropshipzone offers affordable and dependable dropshipping solutions across various product categories, including kitchenware, garden products, and clothing. The platform features low minimum order quantities, catering to businesses of different sizes.


  • Affordable pricing.
  • Low minimum orders.
  • Broad product range.
  • Excellent customer service.


  • Quality may vary.
  • Limited branding options.
  • Not ideal for high-end products.

4. IndiaMART


IndiaMART serves as a diverse online marketplace connecting businesses with numerous clothing suppliers across India. It offers competitive prices, bulk discounts, and an easy-to-use platform for comparing options. With over 7.7 million suppliers listed, IndiaMART provides a large supplier base.


  • Large supplier base.
  • Competitive prices.
  • Bulk discounts available.
  • Easy supplier comparison.


  • Navigation can be overwhelming.
  • Varying product quality.
  • Inconsistent customer service.

5. WholesaleBox

Wholesale box

WholesaleBox specializes in high-quality, fashionable clothing for both men and women, emphasizing fast shipping and reliable customer service. The platform maintains a 98% on-time shipping rate and holds a 4.8-star average customer rating.


  • Good quality products.
  • Reliable customer service.


  • Limited product selection compared to some competitors.
  • Certain items may have minimum order quantities.

6. Baapstore


Baapstore provides trendy and budget-friendly men’s and women’s clothing, focusing primarily on casual wear and activewear. It offers over 50,000 products and stands out for its trendy styles, affordability, fast shipping, and reliable customer service.


  • Trendy styles available.
  • Affordable pricing.
  • Fast shipping.
  • Reliable customer service.


  • Limited product selection beyond casual wear.

7. vFulfill


vFulfill offers 100% managed supply chain operations, including sourcing, fulfillment, and shipping services. Ideal for startups and growing businesses, vFulfill can handle large order volumes efficiently.


  • Manages logistics and payments.
  • COD and returns management available.
  • Good customer service.


  • Pre-order pricing structure.
  • May not be suitable for small businesses with low order volume.

8. Blinkstore


Blinkstore stands out as a comprehensive, modern solution that excels in print-on-demand and clothing dropshipping services in India. It caters to a wide range of clothing needs for men, women, and children.


  • Comprehensive solution for print-on-demand and clothing dropshipping.
  • Offers free plans, making it accessible for startups.
  • Supports independent creators and businesses in launching online stores.


  • Limited international reach.
  • Dependency on multiple vendors.
  • Platform may have a learning curve for new users.

9. SaleHoo


SaleHoo facilitates connections between businesses and trustworthy clothing suppliers globally, including in India. The platform provides supplier verification and product data feeds and boasts a network of over 8,000 verified suppliers worldwide. It offers reliable customer support and access to comprehensive product data.


  • Verified suppliers.
  • Access to detailed product data feeds.
  • Global supplier network.
  • Reliable customer support.


  • Requires a paid subscription.
  • Limited free trial option.
  • May not be suitable for beginners.

10. Jim Trade

Jim Trade

Jim Trade specializes in affordable and trendy women’s clothing, particularly dresses, tops, and bottoms, with a reputation for reliable customer service. Established in Mumbai in 2005, Jim Trade offers affordable prices, trendy styles, and ensures timely shipping.


  • Affordable prices.
  • Trendy styles.
  • Reliable customer service.
  • Timely shipping.


  • Limited product selection.
  • Focus primarily on women’s clothing.

11. Dropified


Dropified excels in automating order fulfillment and inventory management, catering to busy drop shippers. While it may not focus specifically on India-based suppliers, Dropified’s automation features are highly rated for efficiency, integrating with multiple ecommerce platforms.


  • Efficient automation tools.
  • Integration with multiple platforms.
  • Reliable customer support.


  • Limited selection of India-specific suppliers.
  • Requires a paid subscription.

12. Seasonsway


Seasonsway specializes in ethnic and traditional Indian clothing for men, women, and children, emphasizing quality and competitive pricing. The platform offers a broad selection of over 100,000 ethnic and traditional Indian clothing items.


  • Specializes in ethnic and traditional styles.
  • Good quality products.
  • Competitive prices.
  • Reliable shipping.


  • Limited product range outside of traditional clothing.
  • May not cater to modern fashion styles.

13. Spocket


Spocket connects users with suppliers based in the US and EU, focusing on fast shipping and high-quality products. While India-specific options may be limited, Spocket integrates seamlessly with major ecommerce platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce, offering automation and streamlined order fulfillment.


  • Fast shipping.
  • High-quality products.
  • Easy-to-use platform.
  • Excellent customer service.


  • Limited selection of India-specific products.
  • Prices may be higher compared to some Indian suppliers.

14. Exporters India

Exporters India

Exporters India is ideal for businesses seeking established manufacturers and exporters, offering high-quality products and a wide product range. The platform specializes in connecting businesses with experienced Indian suppliers, ensuring global reach and reliability.


  • Experienced suppliers.
  • High-quality products.
  • Wide product selection.
  • Global reach.


  • Higher minimum order quantities may apply.
  • Prices can be comparatively higher than some competitors.

15. Shopify

Shopify ecommerce printchester

Shopify has emerged as a popular choice for entrepreneurs entering the e-commerce space due to its accessible and user-friendly platform. It enables users to create and customize online stores without managing inventory directly.


  • Low initial investment as you don’t need to stock inventory.
  • Ability to offer a wide range of products without physical storage.
  • Flexibility to operate from anywhere with an internet connection.


  • Intense competition in dropshipping can lead to lower profit margins.
  • Limited control over product quality since you don’t handle inventory.
  • Shipping times may be longer, especially for international orders.

16. TradeIndia


TradeIndia serves as a B2B dropshipping platform focusing on connecting businesses with Indian manufacturers, offering competitive prices and bulk sourcing options. The platform facilitates bulk discounts and connects businesses directly with Indian suppliers.


  • Competitive pricing.
  • Bulk purchase discounts available.
  • Focus on connecting with Indian manufacturers.


  • Interface may be overwhelming for some users.
  • Product quality can vary.
  • Inconsistent customer service experiences.

17. Doba


Doba stands out for its global supplier directory, providing access to India-specific options along with product data feeds and supplier comparisons. The platform offers a comprehensive supplier database and tools for comparing suppliers and their offerings.


  • Extensive global supplier directory.
  • Provides product data feeds for informed decision-making.
  • Allows for comparison among different suppliers, including India-specific options.


  • Requires a paid subscription.
  • Limited free trial available.
  • May have a steeper learning curve for beginners.

Recap on How to Start a Dropshipping Clothing Business?

How branded dropshipping works

1. Conduct Market Research

  • Define your target audience and carve out a niche in the expansive clothing market.
  • Analyze competitors to identify a unique selling proposition (USP) that sets you apart.

2. Choose Your Niche

  • Select a distinctive segment within the clothing industry to differentiate your brand.

3. Develop a Business Plan

  • Outline your goals, target audience, marketing strategies, and financial projections.

4. Address Legalities and Business Structure

  • Register your business and choose a suitable structure (LLC, sole proprietorship, etc.).
  • Obtain necessary licenses and permits to operate legally.

5. Select a Reliable Dropshipping Platform

  • Consider trusted platforms like Printchester, Spocket, or SaleHoo for sourcing products.

6. Establish Your Online Store

  • Build a professional virtual storefront using platforms like WooCommerce, or Shopify.
  • Focus on user-friendly design and aesthetic appeal to enhance customer experience.

7. Curate Your Product Selection

  • Create a compelling lineup of products tailored to your niche.
  • Use high-quality images and detailed descriptions to showcase your offerings effectively.

8. Pricing Strategy

  • Research competitors’ pricing to set competitive prices that attract customers.
  • Factor in shipping costs to provide transparent pricing at checkout.

9. Implement Marketing and Branding

  • Develop a distinctive brand identity with a logo and cohesive branding elements.
  • Utilize digital marketing channels such as social media, influencers, content marketing, and email campaigns.

10. Optimize for SEO

  • Enhance your online visibility with SEO techniques like keyword optimization in product descriptions, meta tags, and URLs.

11. Prioritize Customer Service

  • Provide exceptional customer service with quick responses and transparent policies for returns and refunds.

12. Ensure Payment Security

  • Secure transactions with reliable payment gateways and clearly communicate refund and return policies.

13. Monitor Analytics

  • Track website traffic, sales performance, and customer behavior using analytics tools.
  • Use data insights to refine your marketing strategies and optimize operations.

14. Scale Your Business

  • Expand your product offerings or target new markets to grow your business over time.

15. Stay Informed

  • Keep abreast of industry trends and adapt your business strategy to remain competitive and agile.

Pros and Cons of Dropshipping in the Fashion Industry

Dropshipping Pros and Cons

Dropshipping has it’s own pros and cons.


  • Low initial investment and reduced financial risks.
  • Flexibility to operate from anywhere with internet access.
  • Access to a vast range of products without inventory management.


  • Challenges with quality control when relying on suppliers.
  • Managing shipping logistics and potential delays.
  • Balancing competitive pricing with profit margins can be complex.

What Clothing Products Should I Dropship?

Your success largely depends on the products you choose to dropship. To make informed decisions, consider the following questions:

1. What Clothing Items and Accessories Do I Like?

  • Select products you are passionate about, as this will make them easier to promote and sell.
  • Refine your choices based on material, style, color, or specific use (e.g., fitness apparel).

2. Is There Enough Demand for These Items?

  • Ensure there is sufficient market demand for the products you like.
  • Avoid items with low demand, as dropshipping success relies on selling in large quantities.

By answering these questions, you can narrow down your product selection to those that not only interest you but also have a strong market presence.


How to Find the Right Clothing Items to Dropship

1. Google Trends

Use Google Trends to identify popular items and track what’s trending in various markets globally. This tool helps you understand current consumer interests and demands.

2. Competitor Research

Analyze similar brands to gain insights into what products are performing well. Items that are frequently sold out or have numerous reviews are likely bestsellers.

3. Product Analytics

Utilize product analytics tools to monitor sales across different categories. These tools can quickly identify bestsellers and provide data on current and historical pricing, helping you make informed decisions.


Clothing Dropshipping Suppliers FAQ

Yes, dropshipping clothing is not only feasible but also a popular and viable business model. It enables you to sell fashion items without managing inventory or shipping.

Finding Indian suppliers for dropshipping can be done through:

1. Online directories:

Explore platforms like IndiaMART and Blinkstore to find potential suppliers.

2. Networking:

Attend trade shows or industry events to connect with suppliers.

3. Research:

Look for suppliers with a proven track record in dropshipping and check their reviews and ratings.

Some of the top clothing dropshipping suppliers in India include:

  • Printchester
  • Meesho
  • IndiaMART
  • WholesaleBox
  • Dropshipzone

Starting a dropshipping business for clothing involves several key steps:

  1. Niche selection:

Identify your target market and specific niche within the clothing industry.

  1. Supplier research:

Find reliable clothing suppliers by considering factors such as quality, variety, and reliability.

  1. Platform setup:

Choose an e-commerce platform like Blinkstore and set up your online store.

  1. Product listings:

Populate your store with a curated selection of clothing items.

  1. Marketing strategy:

Develop a marketing plan to effectively reach and engage your target audience.

Yes, clothing is an excellent niche for dropshipping. It offers a vast product range, diverse styles, and the potential for high profit margins. The key to success is choosing reliable suppliers and staying updated on fashion trends.

To choose the right supplier for your niche, consider the following:

  • Ensure their products align with your niche.
  • Evaluate their track record and reliability.
  • Sample their products to assess quality.
  • Confirm that their offerings match the preferences of your target audience.

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